Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Search Engline Optimization

The basic facts of SEO are just to provide something of value for the world and most likely google will realize that it's valuable too. The more informative and relevant your site or page is to a keyword, the higher ranking you will have in the search engines. Makign sure you have a Unique and descriptive title is important as well as providing Meta Descriptions and Keywords, but since these methods have been abused google has adjusted their methods to looking at the incoming links to a site to determine it's importance. When getting links, be concerned with quality as apposed to quantity. chances are if you buddy who is also non existent in the search engines is linking to it's not passing an equity as apposed to any .edu or .gov site which is obviously credible. When obtimizing images, provide a descriptive file name and alt tag if possible. the content surrounding the image should also describe it. Happy Optimizing.

This is a video I found on YouTube done my somebody who works in the industry. I thought it was kinda funny, but it might not be as amusing if you don't know what he's talking about.

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