I listened to Arturo Herrera talk about his experience of moving from New York to Berlin. He reflected on his artistic process and realized he previously had been producing without thinking, but in this new location he had time. Obviously, something that had been bountiful in his prior location because this singular element changed his whole artist process. He could now think. Wow, what a realization. To find that you now have time to think and you didn't even know you were missing that in the pass. This really spoke to me about the power of location. I've lived so many places and seen that live does so down and speed up depending on where you are, and more so who you are in that space.
Herrera states that he is "REcreating life through the camera". how interesting that it creates NEW life. the photo doesn't repeat it creates new. I feel as if I could see here staring at the screen and thinking about that idea for hours.
He combine many non-related images into the same space so the viewer was forced to combine them. We all think in such reasonable terms. Things have to make sense. What happens when they don't? do we make sense of them through our prior knowledge, our emotion, our third eye speaking to us what we do not think we see. Every viewer will have different internal experience and feelings and consequently every viewer will have a different message. What a more advanced way of commmunicating. It truely tells us that as humans we only see what we want to see. maybe what we see isn't even there.
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