I would usually tell you the basic superficial details of my life. Such as, I'm a 20 year old student who enjoys beach volleyball and padres games, but that just sounds a little too much like a online dating profile. So I'll tell you the real dirt... My most annoying habit is that I can not get up in the morning! I'm one of those people who pressed snooze 10 times until the whole house has woken up in annoyance and now hate me for ruining their morning silence with their coffee. I finally get out of bed ten minutes before I need to be at work and still manage to get there on time. I put on a smile for my dead end retail job and kindly greet customers and co-workers with a high pitch voice and a head tilt while secretly cursing my employer in my head. "Just remember, this is why your going to college" I tell myself. Don't get me wrong, I'm not always this negative. But i guess you'll have to get to know me to find out more. Thanks for reading, Jess